The Proceedings of ISELT is indexed by Google Scholar.
Proceedings of ISELT FBS Universitas Negeri Padang
2014: Proceedings of 2nd International Seminar on English Language Teaching (ISELT)
The Second of International Seminar on English Language Teaching (ISELT-2) was conducted on June 11-12, 2014.
Theme: “Language Awareness on TEFL for Multilingual Learners”
2015: Proceedings of 3nd International Seminar on English Language Teaching (ISELT)
The Third of International Seminar on English Language Teaching was conducted on May 26-27, 2015.
Theme: “Shaping the New Trends of English Teaching and Studies”
2016: Proceedings of 4th International Seminar on English Language Teaching (ISELT)
2017: Proceedings of 5th International Seminar on English Language Teaching (ISELT)
The present ISELT 2017 is in the process of being published by reputed and indexed publisher, Atlantis PressĀ for selected papers (online).

Other paper will be published at the Proceeding of Seminar with ISSN.