Prof. Rod Ellis (New Zealand)

Rod Ellis is currently a Research Professor in the School of Education, Curtin University in Perth Australia. He is also a professor at Anaheim University, a visiting professor at Shanghai International Studies University as part of China’s Chang Jiang Scholars Program and an Emeritus Professor of the University of Auckland. He has recently been elected as a fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand.His published work includes articles and books on second language acquisition, language teaching and teacher education. His latest book is Becoming and Being an Applied Linguist (John Benjamins). Other recent publications include are Language Teaching Research and Language Pedagogy in 2012, (Wiley-Blackwell), (with Natsuko Shintani) Exploring Language Pedagogy and Second Language Acquisition Research in 2014 (Routledge) and Understanding Second Language Acquisition 2nd Edition in 2015 (Oxford University Press). He has also published several English language textbooks, including Impact Grammar (Pearson: Longman). He has held university positions in six different countries and has also conducted numerous consultancies and seminars throughout the world.Ellis received a Master of Arts from the University of Leeds, a Master of Education from the University of Bristol, and a doctorate from the University of London. He is a leading theorist of task-based language learning, and has published two books and more than a dozen articles on the subject.[1][2] Since 1980,His research interests include: Second language acquisition, individual learner differences, form-focussed instruction, teacher education, course design and methodology of language teaching.
Dr. Willy A. Renandya (Singapore)

Dr. Willy A Renandya is a Senior Lecturer at the ELL Department, National Institute of Education, Singapore. Prior to his current position, he taught at SEAMEO RELC, Singapore, where he also served as Head of the Department of Language Education and Research. He has taught in many parts of Asia, including Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam. He is a frequent speaker at language conferences in the Asian region.He holds an MA in TESL and a PhD in Educational Psychology. His teaching and research interests include second and foreign language pedagogy, extensive reading, language testing and curriculum development. He has published research articles in various journals, authored an ESL textbook, and edited numerous books and anthologies. His most recent publication is Teacher, the tape is too fast: Extensive listening in ELT (ELT Journal, 2011), co-authored with Thomas S.C. Farrell and Teacher Roles in EIL (European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL, 2012).
Prof. Madya Abdul Ghani Abu (Malaysia)

Lecturer at Faculty of Faculty of Languages and Communication of Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia.
Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Vu (Vietnam)

Dean of English Department at Ho Chi Minh City University of Pedagogy, Head of External Relations at Ho Chi Minh city TESOL Association, Past Deputy director of National Foreign Languages 2020 project at Ho Chi Minh City University of Pedagogy. Education Puget Sound Center of Technology and Education, Vietnam National University – Ho Chi Minh city, CMC Institute of Technology, Hoa Sen.
Dr. Dhita Hapsarani, M.Hum (Indonesia)

Lecturer of Faculty of Humanities of Universitas Indonesia.
Dr. Hamzah, M.A., M.M. (Indonesia)

Dr. Hamzah, M.A., M.M. is a lecturer of English Department of Faculty of Languages and Arts of Universitas Negeri Padang. Currently, he is the head of Computer Assisted Language Laboratory (CALL) FBS Universitas Negeri Padang.
Dr. Jufri, M.Pd. (Indonesia)

Dr. Jufri, M.Pd. is a lecturer of English Department of Faculty of Languages and Arts of Universitas Negeri Padang. Previously, he was the head of English Department FBS Universitas Negeri Padang.